From Ticket Sales to Pilot Simulation - How Technology Changes an Industry

Ravindra Deshpande Head-IT, Universal Sompo General Insurance Co. Ltd

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Aviation or Airline, may it be Civil, Military, Commercial or any other form, is a booming industry has emerged as a universal means of transportation, to which the lat­est technological innovations are gradually been applied to facilitate its growth and development.

Ticket Sales

Computers have become crucial to the airline in­dustry. They are used to book tickets, plan flights, schedule aircraft and crew, oversee maintenance, and set fares. From ticket reservations to aircraft design and manufacture, computers have helped airline operations become more efficient and flex­ible. The rise of personal computers and the In­ternet has given passengers complete control over booking their own flights and seat selections.

"The ultimate application of computers may be to take over control of ‘flying’ completely"

The software automatically determines what flights are heading to a given destination on a par­ticular day and manages seat availability, pricing, meals and other information.

Pilot Training

Both trainee and experienced pilots undergo ex­tensive testing and training, mostly on computer­ized simulators that recreate real-world flight situ­ations. The simulations take place in a full-sized reproduction of a cockpit, complete with displays and controls, which rests on a mechanized plat­form and is controlled by a computer technology.

Aircraft Control

The airplane itself has many computer-based sys­tems that provide information to the crew, man­age the engines and control other equipment. The Global Positioning System that helps and provides navigation data for airplanes. On large commercial aircraft, many aspects like take off, flight and land­ing work under the guidance of a computer.

Aircraft Design

It has always been a subject of concern with many aircraft designers as to how much control should remain with the pilot and how much should be given to a computer control.

Computer-aided design and manufacture (CAD/CAM) have greatly reduced the cost of de­ signing of an aircraft. Due to this aviation industry is advancing & providing excellent comfort and in­formation technology and techno-friendly features to facilitate and make the Aviation industry more au­tomated and simultaneously ensure safety of the crew and passengers us­ing the aviation facility.

Sophisticated digital computers can now fly aircraft in any situation and simultaneously ensure that all systems are functioning as expected.

Computer Technology also helps manufacture parts with more preci­sion and faster than humans and save many hours of engineering time and make aircraft more reliable, quiet and fuel-efficient.

Auto control of aircrafts

The ultimate application of com­puters may be to take over control of ‘flying’ completely. Planes can be flown over long distances, with mul­tiple course changes, entirely man­aged by computers.

They can also take off and land automatically (although current flight rules prohibit this). It is not a far step to completely automate operations. Also, advancements in on-board Wifi could revolutionize flying.

There are many uses of modern computing equipment on board in aircrafts today which simplify a pi­lot's job and have contributed to change a traditional pilot's role.

● Flight management systems,

● Electronic instrument displays

● Latest computer technology

21st Century Aviation is driven by Computers

Today’s technology has helped to de­velop computing systems capable of testing and operating every aspect of aviation from VPN access to enter­tainment choices to critical system components. As stated Apart from tickets online, check-in faster using on-site kiosks, and enjoy in-flight entertainment.

The Future of Aviationand Computers

Auto-pilot is utilized to fly planes long-distance with little help from a pilot.

The latest application of comput­ers is for what is called "the Airborne Internet." Aircrafts are connected by radio and satellite link to a global in­formation system.

Airborne Internet is a technology which is being developed to provide pilots with information on weather and other aircraft in the immediate area. Using a Global Information System, aviation computers will pro­vide information, including flight plans. This will result in reduction of accidents, increase safety, and a more entertaining experience for everyone on-board any aircraft.

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